
Drawbase Software: Press Mentions

See our write up in Commercial Property News

DataStarUSA becomes Com Tek Master Business Partner

Anadarko Petroleum joins the Com Tek user base

Accruent Inc. offers Drawbase and Com Tek solutions as part of End to End Real Estate Managment solution

Drawbase Software helps Sinai Hospital with JCAHO survey
See the Review in FMLink

Drawbase Software announces the availability of new CAFM applications

"The CAFM System, newly upgraded to Drawbase/DecisionBase for Windows, is network functional for 27 users and the related building graphic and point databases have been updated to a level never before attained at the UCHC. This institutional resource will allow accurate analysis for planning efforts, IDC calculations, Research grant analysis and many other institution imperatives. A full (100%) survey of the database will be performed starting this summer by Savage Engineering to comply with IDC recovery needs for federal grants. Also, graphic images have been placed on the Internet. These include a Connecticut travel map for getting to the UCHC Campus and a campus site map for finding the correct building and parking upon arrival."

94/95 ANNUAL REPORT, University of Connecticut Health Center, Facilities Management Department

"Enhanced Drawbase - PC. Drawbase Software's ODBC Link lets users connect Drawbase to any database package that supports the Open Database Connectivity standard. The company also offers a 32-bit version of Drawbase which utilizes the interface and functional enhancements offered by Windows 95 and NT. In addition, version 3.0 of the program includes enhanced drafting, design, and database components and can interact with data warehouses that reside on Internet or Intranet servers."


"Drawbase's easy-to-use facilities for drawing walls, automatic clipping of door and window openings, and placement of symbols make it everything AutoCAD was meant to be. These features alone could easily make DRAWBASE the best choice of PC-based CADD software for architects and facilities planners."

"Drawbase's power is not just in its drawing capabilities, but in the things you can do with what you draw. Its integrated database capabilities stand well above the competition, and this is where DRAWBASE lends itself most to facilities management and architectural design."

PC MAGAZINE, "3-D CADD Workstation Tools for the PC Platform"

"Author Ross calls Drawbase's drawing tools 'Flexible and easy-to-use' and the underlying database capabilities 'superb'."

ARCHITECTURAL RECORD, "A Package Tailored for Architects"

"DRAWBASE comes with a written tutorial and a corresponding on-line, non-interactive tutorial. Both are complete and well written. Of all the products reviewed here, DRAWBASE is the only one in which the on-line tutorial and manual match up. Users can simultaneously follow the tutorial in the manual and on-screen.

PC WEEK, "Tutorials Counsel Users in High-End CAD"

"DRAWBASE 5000 from Drawbase Software of Cambridge, MA is the only DOS-based stand-alone program that has the integral database critical to facilities management."

"Drawbase's power for a non-programmer is in its ease of use."

"Any single enclosed polygon can be specified as a 'space' that can have forms attached in the same way an ordinary object would. A typical space might be an office or a corridor. This allows the facilities manager to generate reports showing, for example, the square footage to the various cost centers of the corporation, such as the engineering or purchase departments."

PC WEEK, "DRAWBASE Ties Database Features to CAD"

"Today its [Dyer Brown & Associates, Inc.] three offices in Boston, London, and New Bedford have nine DRAWBASE systems interconnected with modems. The primary use has been for servicing developers and corporate clients in the area of space planning where efficiency levels have been extremely high."

PROGRESSIVE ARCHITECTURE, "New Client Services: The Architect as a Facility Manager"

"Using a unique computer-aided design and drafting/database package called DRAWBASE, developed by Drawbase Software, Cambridge, MA, Sumner Schein was able to generate all the necessary construction documents and then manipulate drawing files to yield visually appealing, uncluttered lease plans."

DESIGN MANAGEMENT, "Taking CAD Beyond Design"

"Drawbase Software of Cambridge, MA, produces DRAWBASE, a fully integrated database and CAD package that can serve as an ideal tool for facilities management, according to several users. We basically are facilities managers for one firm (through our use of DRAWBASE), said Terrill Janssen of Loebl, Schlossman, Hackl, a Chicago-based architectural firm."

InfoWorld, "Design Applications Move Past Architecture"